
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My crazy little man.

Clayton looking tough
I'm not sure why he looked so unhappy in these pictures, but he wanted to look mean.  He was in camo from head to foot.  This was a last minute costume for a fall festival we went to.
Clayton keeps me on my toes.  Yesterday he got red crayon on my pale yellow, new bedspread.  I need to call Crayola.  I know they have a special formula to get crayon out of fabric that involves WD-40.

We have a beautiful, fluffy white cat.  One day Clayton dunked him in a big mud puddle........just because.  He felt bad about it and gave him a bath afterwards.

I try not to take him shopping at the mall if I can help it.  He hates it.  The other night while Carrington was at dance, I needed to go to the mall.  He especially hates the store, New York & Co.  As we went in the store he said, "This store is my worst enemy!"

Recently one of my husband's employees was in town for a meeting.  He spent the night at our house.  Before he came,  I made brownies.  Unbeknownst to me, Clayton dropped 2 big globs of brownie on the floor of our guest bathroom and left them there the day before our guest arrived.  I had cleaned the bathroom, so I didn't bother to look in there.  The day after we had company, I went in there and saw the brownies on the floor.  I knew it was brownies and who the culprit was, but it didn't look like brownies.  I called Clayton to the bathroom and asked him if he did it, and he said yes.  I just busted out laughing.  I never know what he's going to do!

1 comment:

  1. Oh,I laughed all over again at the brownie story!
    Malachi saw Clayton's picture and said, "Clayton is cool, I wish I could do that."


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